This poem sets out what it is to be a true witch who lives in balance with nature. It's a lovely romantic way of describing a witches life and it fits with the true a lot better than a Disney film, such a 'Hocus Pocus' which of course are for children. However these types of films still describe witches as 'hags' and 'devil worshipers' (which I'm sure there are some people who claim to be servants of the devil). From what I have found out from my investigation, witches are lovely people who want to live in peace with nature and live in harmony with the world.
To be a Witch is to love and be loved,
To be a Witch is to harm none.
To be a Witch is to know the ways of the old,
To be a Witch is to see beyond the barriers.
To be a Witch is to follow the moon,
To be a Witch is to be one with the gods.
To be a Witch is to study and to learn,
To be a Witch is be the teacher and the student.
To he a Witch is to acknowledge the truth,
To be a Witch is to live with the Earth, not just in it.
To be a Witch is to know, to dare, to will,
And to keep silent.
To be a Witch is to be truly free!
By Solitary Witch.
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