Question 8 of my survey was:
Should it be a hate crime to 'attack' a person who calls themselves a witch?
85% of people thought it should be a hate crime to 'attack' a person who calls themselves a witch. To me this indicates that many people think that witches shouldn't be treated with prejudice and deserve to be respected as any other human being is.
Some of the comments that came along with this question suggested that the 85% of people who thought it should be a hate crime agreed that everyone has the 'freedom of choice' and that no one has the right to hurt another person for their beliefs or lifestyle. This is very accepting of not only witches lifestyles but also other lifestyles that are in the hate crime bracket.
In the 15% of people who said it shouldn't be a hate crime, there were no malicious comments. Common comments were based around that fact that certain groups of people shouldn't get special treatment if they are attacked, it should be treated as an attack not a hate crime as we are all human beings. There was one comment that specifically said "there should be no such thing as a hate crime and every human being should be treated exactly the same way regardless of their belief, skin colour or lifestyle". This is a good quote for me because it suggests that this person doesn't think of witches as different from any other type of person and shows that witches are socially accepted in today's secular society which after all was the aim of this survey and if I have proved that one person thinks that witches are accepted today then that would make me happy.
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